CS/EE 217 GPU Architecture and Parallel Programming - Fall 2024

Course Information

  • Time and Location: Monday, Wednesday 6:30 - 7:50 PM Pacific time

    • Student Success Center, Room 329
  • Instructor: Daniel Wong

    • Email: danwong@ucr.edu
    • Homepage: http://www.danielwong.org
    • Office Hours: Wednesday 10:00 - 11:00 AM @ WCH425
  • TAs:

    • Racquel (Ivy) Awuor, rawuo001@ucr.edu
      • Office Hours: Thursday 2:00 - 3:00 PM @ WCH110
    • Nurlan Nazaraliyev, nnaza008@ucr.edu
      • Office Hours: Monday 4:00 - 5:00 PM @ WCH110
  • eLearn (for grades and lecture videos/materials on Yuja): http://eLearn.ucr.edu

  • Piazza (for discussions): https://piazza.com/ucr/fall2024/csee217

  • Github Classroom (for assignment submission)


Welcome to CS/EE 217!

Class Syllabus

Class webpage and communication

The class webpage is located at http://teaching.danielwong.org/csee217/fall24

Information, resources, and announcements related to the class will be posted to the webpage.

In addition, we will be using eLearn for assignments, and Piazza (which can be accessed inside of eLearn) for discussions and help.

You will need an ENGR account. EE and CEN students should already have one. If you do not, you can create one here: https://www.engr.ucr.edu/secured/systems/login.php

Course Description

Introduces the popular CUDA based parallel programming environments based on Nvidia GPUs. Covers the basic CUDA memory/threading models. Also covers the common data-parallel programming patterns needed to develop a high-performance parallel computing applications. Examines computational thinking; a broader range of parallel execution models; and parallel programming principles.

Prerequisite: CS160 Concurrent Programming and Parallel Systems Strong C/C++ programming skills are required


  • Programming Massively Parallel Processors, 2nd Ed., by D. Kirk and W Hwu (primary textbook)
  • CUDA by example, Sanders and Kandrot (recommended)

Grade Breakdown

  • Assignments: 40% (8% each assignment)
  • Midterm Exam: 28%
  • Final Exam: 30%
  • Participation/Discussion: 2%
  • Extra credit: 2%
Letter Grade Percentage
A > 93%
A- > 90%
B+ > 87%
B > 83%
B- > 80%
C+ > 77%
C > 73%
C- > 70%

Assignment Policies

  • You have 3 slip days that you can use on any assignment (not project). If you exceed your slip days, there will be a 15% penalty per late day (counting weekends).
  • Slip days CANNOT be applied to the final project. We need ample time to grade the last assignment before grades are due.
  • No extensions for assignments will be given (see slip days). Even if you're one minute late, it will be considered late.
  • All assignments will be due at the end on the day (midnight Pacific time).
  • All assignments should be uploaded to iLearn or Github Classroom.


  • You are responsible for all materials covered in lectures.
  • All assignments, quizzes, and exams are individual effort.
  • Cheating in assignments, quizzes, projects, and exams are absolutely prohibited. The minimum penalty for a violation of the regulations will be a zero for the assignment; the maximum penalty will be failure in the course.
  • Examinations must be taken in class on the day they are given. There will be no exceptions.

Academic Integrity

Here at UCR we are committed to upholding and promoting the values of the Tartan Soul: Integrity, Accountability, Excellence, and Respect. As a student in this class, it is your responsibility to act in accordance with these values by completing all assignments in the manner described, and by informing the instructor of suspected acts of academic misconduct by your peers. By doing so, you will not only affirm your own integrity, but also the integrity of the intellectual work of this University, and the degree which it represents. Should you choose to commit academic misconduct in this class, you will be held accountable according to the policies set forth by the University, and will incur appropriate consequences both in this class and from Student Conduct and Academic Integrity Programs. For more information regarding University policy and its enforcement, please visit: http://conduct.ucr.edu.


You are expected to attend all lectures and discussion. While the slides and readings contain all the information you need to know, some of the contents won't make sense unless you attend lecture. =)

You are responsible for keeping up with course lectures and assignments.

Tentative Schedule

The following schedule is tentative and is subject to change.

Note: You need to be logged into eLearn to access the lecture slides. The slide links to the course's eLearn Files page.

Week Date Topic Assignments Slides
1 September 30, M Introduction and Logistics, OS/Architecture Review 0-Introduction.pdf
1 October 2, W CUDA C Piazza Intro
Assignment 1 - Matrix Addition
2 October 7, M CUDA Parallelism 3-CUDA-Parallelism.pdf
2 October 9, W GPU architecture overview, TB / Warp Scheduling 4-GPU-Architecture.pdf
3 October 14, M CUDA Memories, Reduction Algorithm / Control Divergence Assignment 1 Due
Assignment 2 - Reduction
3 October 16, W Streams - Compute/Mem Overlapping 6-Streams.pdf
4 October 21, M Unified Memory 7-UnifiedMemory.pdf
Nvidia Blog 1, 2, 3
4 October 23, W High-level Libraries / Emerging GPU Languages/Frameworks Assignment 2 Due Libraries-CUDA10
5 October 28 , M Midterm Exam Review Midterm-Samples.pdf
Dummy Canvas Test
5 October 29 - November 1, T - F Midterm Exam
6 November 4, M Matrix Multiply Assignment 3 - Matrix Multiply 8-MatrixMultiply.pdf
6 November 6, W Matrix Mutiply (cont.), DRAM / Memory Coalescing Extra Credit 9-MemoryCoalescing.pdf
7 November 11, M No Class - Veterans Day
7 November 13, W Histogram & Atomic Operations Assignment 3 Due
Assignment 4 - Histogram
8 November 18, M Multi-GPU Programming / Communication Multi-GPU.pdf
8 November 20, W GPU Architecture - Multi-Chip Module / GPU Trends MCM.pdf
9 November 25, M GPU Research Trends Assignment 4 Due
Assignment 5
9 November 27, W No class
10 December 2, M Final Exam Review Final-Samples.pdf
10 December 3-6, T - F Final Exam
11 December 9, M Extra Credit Due Dec. 11 Assignment 5 Due


ITS Help and Student Technology Support

ITS Student Technology Services supports 9 student computer labs, including 7 public labs and 2 nonpublic labs, with approximately 293 public lab hours per week (with reduced hours during breaks and summer) available for academic use by all UCR students.

Whether you need a machine to work on your paper, need to use specialized software required by your class, assistance with your R'Mail or iLearn accounts, getting on the network, or any other services used by UCR students, contact BearHelp@ucr.edu.

Academic Misconduct

In addition to the course conduct policies outlined by your professor in the Course Syllabus in the online classroom, please review the Graduate Student Handbook. 

It is the responsibility of each student to be familiar with the definitions, policies, and procedures concerning academic misconduct. Please revisit our Academic Integrity Policies and Procedures for more information. This site also defines misconduct, provides examples of prohibited conduct, and explains the sanctions available for those found guilty of misconduct.


Plagiarism is the most common form of academic misconduct at UCR. It is the appropriation of another person's ideas, processes, results, or words without giving appropriate credit. This includes the copying of language, structure, or ideas of another and attributing (explicitly or implicitly) the work to one's own efforts. Plagiarism means using another's work without giving credit. Students who use ChatGPT and similar tools in improper ways, are violating the academic integrity rules of the University. Using ChatGPT as a study tool is acceptable, however, using ChatGPT to generate source code for assignments and submitting that would be in violation.

For more information about plagiarism, see Academic Integrity Policies and Procedures.

Reasonable Accommodation for Disabilities

UCR is committed to providing reasonable accommodation for all students with disabilities. Students with disabilities who require accommodations in this course should contact their professor as early in the semester as possible.

Students with disabilities must be registered with the Student Disability Resource Center prior to receiving accommodations in this course.

If you have a disability and you would like to make a request for reasonable accommodation, please see the Graduate Student Handbook or get in touch with the Student Disability Resource Center.

Adjustments for Pregnancy/Childbirth Related Issues

Should you need modifications or adjustments to your course requirements because of documented pregnancy-related or childbirth-related issues, please contact me as soon as possible to discuss your options. Generally, modifications will be made where medically necessary and similar in scope to accommodations based on temporary disability.  Learn more about the rights of pregnant and parenting students by consulting the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

Title IX Resources

For any concerns regarding gender-based discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, stalking, or intimate partner violence, the University offers a variety of resources, including advocates on-call 24/7, counseling services, mutual no contact orders, scheduling adjustments, and disciplinary sanctions against the perpetrator. Please see the Title IX website for more information. They can be reached at (951)827-7070. You can also file a report.

Student Needs

Student Health Services, Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS), Residential Life, Dining, and R’Pantry are available to support students. 

Religious Holidays

It is the policy of the University to excuse absences of students that result from religious observances and to provide for the rescheduling of examinations and additional required classwork that may fall on religious holidays without penalty. It is the responsibility of the student to make alternate arrangements with the instructor at least one week prior to the actual date of the religious holiday.

Copyright Policy

It is illegal to download, upload, reproduce, or distribute any copyrighted material, in any form and in any fashion, without permission from the copyright holder or his/her authorized agent. UCR expects all members of its community to comply fully with federal copyright laws.

Registration and Withdrawal

If you choose to withdraw from this course, you must complete the appropriate University form and turn the form in before the deadline. Deadlines are shown in the Academic Calendar, which is available from the Office of the Registrar.